EDGE- Ecumenical Deacon Group of the ELCA



Our Mission
EDGE- Ecumenical Deacon Group of the ELCA
is an affinity group of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. ELCA deacons are ordained to the roster of Word and Service.
The purpose of this Affinity Group is to form a community of ELCA Deacons who desire to be connected to our global and ecumenical partners who share our vision for prophetic diakonia, both in the Americas and worldwide. We seek to bring our own passions and vision of diaconal leadership to this arena and we expect we will be challenged, shaped and refined in the process. We encourage opportunities for members of this group to connect with ecumenical diaconal partners, learning with, and praying for each other, participating in conferences, and strengthening partnerships locally and around the world.
We are ELCA Deacons, Rostered Ministers of Word and Service and candidates. We welcome Deaconess Community-ELCA & Lutheran Diaconal Association members. Current elected leaders include: Deacon Kelly Brooks, Convener of our meetings; Deacon Tara Ulrich, Secretary; Deacon David Glover, Treasurer; Deacon Holly Hoffman, Ecumenical Representative; (vacant) Alternate Ecumenical Representative.
WHEN does EDGE meet?
We meet virtually about 3 times a year. Our Annual Meeting is in January or February, followed by a Spring and a Fall Meeting. We gather to pray together, review previous events, and lift up future events. We share our challenges and accomplishments in ministry.
WHY should I join EDGE?
You wish to be a part of something bigger in your diaconal ministry. You welcome ecumenical and community connections, information, and support. You value the diversity of diaconal ministry in the world today. You can be as involved in this community as you want to be. You have something to share with other deacons in all kinds of ministries.
WHO make up EDGE’s partners around the world?
DOTAC, Diakonia of the Americas and the Caribbean, 13 western hemisphere communities. DWF, Diakonia World Federation, 3 regional organizations spanning the globe.
Following roster changes in the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA), deacons from all nine regions of the ELCA met in 2018 and 2019 to learn from and connect with each other and discuss the impact this change would have on the Word and Service roster.
A document titled Report and Recommendations of the Entrance Rite was presented to the ELCA Churchwide Assembly in the summer of 2019, and was approved. Deacons in the ELCA are now ordained. Previously, members of what became the Word and Service roster were either commissioned or consecrated.
Chartered in 2018, this growing affinity group invites and encourages all deacons on the Word and Service roster of the church, as well as all candidates for Word and Service, to join. Together, we seek to work with and learn from the many diaconal communities around the world. With our Leadership Team, all members of EDGE strive to keep our membership informed of all DOTAC, DWF, and other opportunities and provide meaningful programming, including ZOOM meetings and other events, that equip deacons to serve most effectively throughout the church and the world.
Learning, Sharing, Understanding, Growing
EDGE membership opens up opportunities around the world for spiritual growth and fellowship with others who engage in diaconal work.

The Diakonia Overcoming Violence Exchange (DOVE) is a program from DIAKONIA of the Americas and the Caribbean (DOTAC) that aims to strengthen efforts to overcome violence. DOVE events have been held in the United States, Brazil, Canada, and Jamaica.
The program is based on the World Council of Churches' Decade to Overcome Violence (DOV), which ran from 2001 to 2010. The DOV called for:
Working together for peace, justice, and reconciliation
Embracing creative approaches to peace building
Interacting and collaborating with others to cultivate a culture of peace
Walking with people who are systematically oppressed by violence
Repenting for complicity in violence
conferences are held every 3-5 years. Attendance is by application through DOTAC.

Diakonia of the Americas and Carribean

Your membership in EDGE includes membership in the hemispheric ecumenical deacon organization, Diakonia of the Americas and Carribean (DOTAC).
DIAKONIA of the Americas and Caribbean (DOTAC) is one of three regional groups of the DIAKONIA World Federation of Diaconal Associations and Diaconal Communities, which furthers the understanding of the diaconate, provides a network of mutual relationships crossing church traditions and cultural boundaries, and provides a forum for discussion of diaconal issues including social justice and reconciliation.
DIAKONIA offers an international and ecumenical community of diaconal friendship, connecting us in diversity and commonality.
DIAKONIA broadens our worldview and deepens our sense of diaconal vocation.
DIAKONIA reminds the church of God’s call to service, justice, compassion, and peace for creation, and assists us in living out our ministries in the world with vision and hope.
The church is not the church without diakonia.
For DOTAC news, please go to the Facebook group , https://www.facebook.com/groups/diakoniaoftheamericasandthecaribbean.
Diakonia World Federation

Diakonia World Federation (DWF) is also included in your EDGE membership.
DWF offers an international and ecumenical community of diaconal friendship, connecting us in diversity and commonality.
DWF broadens our worldview and deepens our sense of diaconal vocation.
DWF reminds the church of God’s call to service, justice, compassion, and peace for creation, and assists us in living out our ministries in the world with vision and hope.
The church is not the church without diakonia.
DIAKONIA World Federation:
reflects on the nature and task of diakonia in the biblical context
links and gathers those who are engaged in diaconal work worldwide
encourages, supports and empowers the development of groups doing diaconal work
is a living experience of ecumenical relationships
Membership consists of associations, organizations and communities of deaconesses, deacons, diaconal brothers and sisters, diaconal ministers and other church workers.
DIAKONIA World Federation
furthers the understanding of the diaconate
provides a network of mutual relationships crossing church traditions and cultural boundaries
strengthens a sense of community and understanding among all member organizations
encourages member organizations to explore their diaconal calling
provides a forum for discussion of diaconal issues including social justice and reconciliation
organizes a world assembly, typically every four years

Quarterly Meetings and More!
EDGE also holds quarterly Zoom meetings and local in-person gatherings.
These will generally be posted on the
ELCA Ministers of Word and Service
Facebook page
and on the DOTAC page.

IF you are already on the ELCA Deacon Roster or a Candidate:
Become a Member for $10/year ($5 for DOTAC and $5 for DWF.) -
You then become a member of EDGE, DOTAC, and DWF.
Become a Contributing Member for anything more than $10/year.
-You then become a member of EDGE, DOTAC, and DWF …
Plus: All contributions over $10 helps us to fund our expenses and future
THANK YOU for anything you are able to contribute to EDGE!
•You can pay by PayPal: Use the convenient QR code below
go to the Paypal site and enter "ELCA Deacon Affinity Group" in the search bar.
•You can pay by check: Contact our Treasurer at the email below if you wish to pay
using this option.
*Memberships are for one calendar year.
*Contributions to EDGE are not tax deductible.
Email Deacon David, EDGE Treasurer: EDGEtreas.elca@gmail.com